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ISBN: 978-0-9853632-7-7 (softcover print) ISBN: 978-0-9853632-6-0 (eBook) |
Two-DVD Set
Distinguished Professor Edward C. Smith gives one of the greatest talks on black Confederates you will ever hear in this two-DVD set Mixed Up with All the Rebel Horde, Why Black Southerners Fought for the South in the War Between the States.
He says blacks had it in their power to make the War Between the States a four-week war if they had not been loyal to the South, both free and slave. The South was home, despite slavery. He gives you the black experience in America from the beginning.
Not only is he brilliant, he is funny and broke the crowd up continuously with laughter and applause. His talk concluded with a thunderous standing ovation.
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Get this excellent book along with the outstanding two-DVD set on black Confederates featuring Professor Edward C. Smith (see video above). Normal price for the book is $21.95 and the DVD set is $24.95 which totals to $46.90. Get both, on this Special, for only $36.90, plus shipping.
ISBN: 978-0-9853632-1-5 (softcover) ISBN: 978-0-9853632-2-2 (eBook) |
Click Here to purchase as a Kindle ebook on Amazon for $9.95.
ISBN: 978-0-9853632-3-9
“In all that pertained toFor more information please go to You can also order there.
ISBN: 978-0-9853632-0-8
Click Here to order this fabulous Kindle ebook on Amazon!
Six DVD Set
Featuring distinguished historians:
Dr. Clyde N. WilsonDr. Clyde N. Wilson
Dr. Wilson is Emeritus Distinguished Professor of History at the University of South Carolina where he taught for 32 years. He was primary editor of The Papers of John C. Calhoun. He has written or edited numerous books as well as over 400 articles, essays and reviews, and he has lectured extensively. He is the M. E. Bradford Distinguished Chair of the Abbeville Institute and a founding member of the Society of Independent Southern Historians.
Dr. Donald Livingston
Donald W. Livingston is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Emory University in Atlanta, and renowned David Hume scholar. He is an author and constitutional scholar with numerous writings on the Compact Theory, nullification, secession, federalism, States’ Rights, and subsidiarity. Professor Livingston is the driving force and a founding member of the Abbeville Institute.
Joseph R. Stromberg
Joseph R. Stromberg holds the JoAnn B. Rothbard Chair in History at the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, and is historian-in-residence there.
Each DVD comes in a clear jewel case to show off its beautiful artwork.
Each DVD is approximately one-hour-and-fifteen minutes.
The set of all six is $57