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Confederate Emancipation for European Support . . .

“The question is, why was Lincoln so intent on stopping the two CS ambassadors [James Mason and John Slidell] that he would break the law and risk war with Britain? Evidence strongly suggests Lincoln feared they might be offering emancipation to gain European allies. During the time of the CS ambassadors captivity [November-December, 1861], word was circulating that the CS might emancipate its slaves. That could open the door for Britain and France to ally with the CSA.” — from the article below

Confederate Emancipation for European Support . . .
James Murray Mason was a grandson of George Mason who is the Father of the United States Bill of Rights. James Mason was a Democratic Congressman from Virginia, 1837-1839; Senator, 1847-1861; and Confederate Minister to England who was kidnapped off the British ship RMS Trent by a Union warship most likely acting under direct orders from Abraham Lincoln. John Slidell was a United States Senator from Louisiana from 1853 to 1861. Before that he was a U.S. House member from Louisiana, a member of the Louisiana House of Representatives, and U.S. Minister to Mexico (1845-1846). He was sent by President James K. Polk to negotiate the Rio Grande as the southern border of Texas, and the purchase of California. In late 1861, he ran the Union blockade out of Charleston, SC with James Mason en route to Cuba then Great Britain and France on the RMS Trent. The USS San Jacinto (right) stops the British packet steamer RMS Trent and illegally removes Confederate Minister to England James M. Mason, and Confederate Minister to France, John Slidell. There is strong evidence that Abraham Lincoln ordered the kidnapping but when incensed Britain threatened war, cowardly Lincoln backed down and blamed the San Jacinto’s captain.

[Publisher’s Note, by Gene Kizer, Jr. — Here is an outstanding article by Rod O’Barr published February 8, 2023 on the Abbeville Institute Blog with title “Lincoln and Coincidence?”. It is published here with permission.

Rod is an astute historian from Tennessee with advanced degrees in Philosophy and Theology.

Efforts are going strong to DEFEAT the Woke naming commission’s recommendation to demolish the 109 year old Confederate Memorial to the reconciliation of North and South in Arlington National Cemetery. Please scroll to the end of this article for several important links and to donate so we can pay our excellent legal team and pollsters.

Please join the fight because WE DEFINITELY CAN WIN THIS ONE!

Every SCV Camp, UDC Chapter and American who cares about historical truth and honor, especially veterans North and South, should pull out all the stops right now!

This is the hill to die on. Woke ignorance DIES at Arlington National Cemetery.

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From the Abbeville Institute Blog
Lincoln and Coincidence?
By Rod O’Barr
February 8, 2023

OCTOBER 12, 1861, Confederate ambassadors James Mason and John Slidell set sail for England, Mason to be Minister to England and Slidell Minister to France. They were bound for England via Cuba where they boarded a British packet ship the RMS Trent.

Was it mere coincidence that a Union warship, the San Jacinto, was notified by the US Consul in Cuba of the Trent’s departure for England, and that the Union ship’s Captain decided to break Maritime Law, intercept the British ship, and take the two Confederate diplomats captive?

The two prize captives were taken to Massachusetts November 2, 1861 where rousing cheers and accolades from the Lincoln administration greeted the Union Captain. At least up until the British Government’s Prince Albert sent a “sharp response” to Lincoln’s government demanding an apology and the release of the commissioners within 7 days.  Otherwise, war would be declared, and the Confederacy would be immediately diplomatically recognized. British Lord Palmerston convened a special cabinet committee to prepare for war with the U.S. and ordered reinforcements to Canada and the British Atlantic fleet.

Back peddling cowardly like a child caught with hand in the cookie jar, “Honest Abe” proclaimed to the world that the Union Captain had “acted on his own” in stopping that British ship and taking the two diplomats in violation of law. The Union Captain, previously rewarded, was then made the scapegoat and punished for his actions.

British records reveal that Lincoln was lying about the Union Captain acting on his own. In a letter from Viscount Palmerston to Queen Victoria, November 29, 1861, the following is written:

…. General Scott, who has recently arrived in France, has said to Americans in Paris that he has come not on an excursion of pleasure, but on diplomatic business; that the seizure of these envoys was discussed in a Cabinet meeting in Washington, he being present, and was deliberately determined upon and ordered…

It was no coincidence that the Union Captain just happened to act on his own and stopped a British ship which just happened to have on board two CS ambassadors. It was all ordered by Lincoln!

Secretary of State William H. Seward negotiated with the British to a compromise, and the Confederate Ambassadors were released on January 1st, 1862.  A British Government steamer was sent to Massachusetts to receive the CS dignitaries, sailing to England arriving the last week in January 1862.

The question is why was Lincoln so intent on stopping the two CS ambassadors that he would break the law and risk war with Britain?

Evidence strongly suggests Lincoln feared they might be offering emancipation to gain European allies. During the time of the CS Ambassadors captivity, word was circulating that the CS might emancipate its slaves. That could open the door for Britain and France to ally with the CSA. On November 12, 1861 a newspaper titled “The Express” published the following:

The secessionists of Maryland are openly reviving a speech of General Toombs, an authority as high as Jefferson Davis himself, in which he reminded Congress, two years ago, that the South always held in her own hands the power of emancipation as an ultimate recourse…. It is at present declared by secessionists that it will be the policy of the Confederates to abolish slavery rather than yield to the North the opportunity of doing it.

On November 30, 1861 a British paper called “Once A Week,” provides an early indication of Southern willingness to emancipate stating, “the Confederate authorities are already saying publicly that the power of emancipation is one which rests in their hands; and that they will use it in the last resort.” Obviously, a lot of Confederate emancipation rumors were stirring.

Could it be that an offer to end slavery in exchange for European alliances was being carried by the CS ambassadors? There is good evidence that was the case, which would explain Lincoln’s desperation to prevent the CS diplomats from reaching England.

Was it mere coincidence that the same week the CS ambassadors Mason and Slidell arrived in England, a pertinent article broke in a British newspaper called “The Spectator.” It spelled out, in the kind of detail that belies rumor, what it called “that indirect but accurate way in which great facts get abroad;” certainly a description of communications carried by ambassadors. The following secretive treaty offer had been leaked to the press:

the Confederacy have offered England and France a price for active support. It is nothing less than a treaty securing free trade in its broadest sense for fifty years, the complete suppression of the import of slaves, and the emancipation of every negro born after the date of the signature of the treaty….

“The Spectator,” even though an anti-South newspaper, affirmed the reality of the CS offer to free the slaves. Would an anti-South newspaper have ever broke such a story favoring the South in the eyes of British readers were it not convinced of its credibility? It says the offer originates from “the Mississippian,” an obvious reference to CS President Jefferson Davis.

A February 17, 1862 entry in the diary of Lincoln’s ambassador to England, Charles Francis Adams, says the following:

A visit from Bishop McIlvaine, who came to tell me the result of a conversation he had held at breakfast with Sir Culling Eardley this morning, that gentlemen had apprised him of the existence of rumors that Mr Mason had brought with him authority to make large offers towards emancipation if Great Britain would come to the aid of the confederates. He even specified their nature, as for example, the establishment of the marriage relation, the restoration of the right of manumission, and the emancipation of all born after a certain time to be designated.

Adam’s diary entry also says that the offer “needed to be energetically treated both here and at home.”

Allowing for the eight or so days needed for Adams to communicate across the Atlantic, and a few days to put together a plan, is it mere coincidence that on March 7, 1862 Lincoln sends a resolution to Congress offering something he had up to then resolutely resisted doing. Lincoln had long resisted a general offer of compensated emancipation because of his fear, and the fear of his constituents in the North, that freed blacks might migrate North. But now it appears, to head off the rumored CS offer to end slavery, Lincoln offers all the slave States compensated emancipation, even without a colonization plan in place. He certainly had to be greatly concerned to do that!

But from the slave States he gets no response. Meanwhile the CS offer to end slavery is hitting newsstands around the world.

So, on July 12, 1862 Lincoln calls a meeting with the border slave State legislators trying to convince them to accept his offer. They vote down his offer 20-8. Seven of the eight who voted for his offer to emancipate explain why:

We are the more emboldened to assume this position from the fact, now become history, that the leaders of the Southern rebellion have offered to abolish slavery amongst them as a condition to foreign intervention in favor of their independence as a nation. If they can give up slavery to destroy the Union; We can surely ask our people to consider the question of Emancipation to save the Union.

These border slave State legislators, who called the CS offer a “fact, now become history,” were  in a position to confirm the secretive CS offer as “fact” given they were in continuous communication with the leadership of those seceded sister slave States who were trying to get them to join the Confederacy. Would these Union loyal legislators have ever told their President during a time of war, that a matter of such strategic importance was a “fact” if they had not confirmed it?

They at least convinced Lincoln it was a fact. For it is not mere coincidence that the very next day after meeting with those seven legislators, July 13, 1862, Lincoln sat down and drafted his “Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.”

No wonder Lincoln called it a “war measure” intended to keep Britain and France out of the war. Once again, he was attempting to preempt the Confederate offer of emancipation, but this time believing it to be a “fact” instead of mere “rumor,” Lincoln had upped the ante of his compensated emancipation “offer” to a mandatory “proclamation” of uncompensated emancipation freeing the slaves under Confederate control.

[Publisher’s Note: Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation supposedly freed the slaves in Confederate territory where he had no control. It actually freed no slaves or very few. Secretary of State William H. Seward made fun of Lincoln and said: “We show our sympathy with slavery by emancipating slaves where we cannot reach them and holding them in bondage where we can set them free.”

Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation deliberately did not touch the slaves in the five Union slave states of Maryland, Delaware, Missouri, Kentucky and New Jersey, nor in West Virginia, that ironically came into the Union in early 1863 as the sixth Union slave state. West Virginia was admitted to the Union as a slave state just weeks after the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect.

The EP also did not free any slaves in already captured Confederate territory. It carefully listed the states, counties and captured Confederate territory where blacks would remain in slavery.

Three Union slave states, Maryland, Missouri and West Virginia, ended slavery close to the end of the war.

Three others, New Jersey, Delaware and Kentucky, had slavery eight-and-a-half months after the war. Slavery in those states was not ended until the Thirteenth Amendment kicked in, in December, 1865.]

One thing can be certainly deduced from all these too “coincidental” actions of Lincoln. His desire to emancipate was a reaction to the Confederate offer made January 1862, and in no manner was he motivated by a genuine concern for the slaves.

Another certain deduction from the Confederate offer to emancipate is that the Confederacy did not secede and fight to perpetuate the institution of slavery.


Rod O’Barr

Rod O’Barr is retired and lives in Tennessee with his wife of 45 years, Kathy. He has advanced degrees in Philosophy and Theology, and a lifelong interest in history. He is the webmaster of a WWII website and a member of both the Abbeville Institute and the SCV. When not enjoying time with his children he enjoys doing living history at local schools.


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Links to Important Resources

Hot off the press! Here is a link to the new 385 page PDF from Defend Arlington that flips pages as you read. It contains all the great scholarly white papers gathered up by Defend Arlington to make sure that Woke ignorance DIES at Arlington National Cemetery.

Defend Arlington’s 385 Page Book of White Papers


Here is a link to Defend Arlington’s donation page that states:


Please Donate Money — THANK YOU!


Here is a link to an informative nine minute video, “The Arlington Confederate Monument,” produced by the Abbeville Institute.

The Arlington Confederate Monument


Here is a link to the outstanding scholarly PDF white papers written for Defend Arlington. You can download them all with one click. Please share them far and wide, especially the letter from Defend Arlington’s attorney, Karen C. Bennett, to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

PDF White Papers from Defend Arlington


Here is link to an excellent video refuting point by point a historically false Prager University video by Ty Seidule, who is on the naming commission. This one is produced by Bode Lang and entitled “The Civil War Was Not for Slavery.”

Click Here for Bode Lang’s excellent video,


Here is a link to an excellent video of a Georgia lady calling out Elizabeth Warren and her Massachusetts hypocrisy.

Click Here for Georgia Lady Teaching Elizabeth Warren a Lesson


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Gene Kizer, Jr.

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