by Gene Kizer, Jr.
I have written about this before because it is an extremely good idea, and the Georgia Division, SCV, is leading the way.
They are suing more mayors and council people as “individuals” (meaning they are being sued personally) for voting to remove Confederate monuments in direct violation of Georgia’s monument protection law. The Georgia Division, SCV, press release of December 22, 2020 is below in its entirety.
The Georgia Minutemen have been promoting this approach too.
Those arrogant mayors and council people who knowingly vote to break the law obviously have contempt for the citizens of Georgia, the Georgia legislature, Georgia’s history and the rule of law.
This is a GOOD move by the Georgia Division, SCV, and EVERY SCV division in the country should follow suit and do the same thing.
Imagine the satisfaction when you can sue those SOBs personally on behalf of our Confederate ancestors.
The Republican Party in the states, statewide, and locally — unlike congressional Republicans — is great and should help. Republicans in South Carolina have introduced legislation, H. 3326, and H. 3249, to strengthen our Heritage Act and enable us to sue public officials as individuals when they vote to break our law, just like in Georgia.
Suing public officials personally does have a deterrent effect when the word gets around, and as Sun Tzu said, beating the enemy without having to fight, is supreme excellence.
Arranging things in your state through your legislature so private citizens and heritage groups have the legal right to sue those law breaking public officials personally, should be the highest priority of every state in the country. That is the only way this Nazism against Southern history is going to be stopped.
A lot of states are doing effective things to preserve their history and many of our people are leading the way. Let’s please share that information with people who will write about it and promote it across the country, like me. We will promote it when advantageous, and be discrete when advantageous. The point, though, is to accumulate the knowledge, capability and helpful contacts so that we can take action and beat those horrible people who think it is OK to remove monuments to war dead.
Our enemies mean to destroy the history of the South totally. They fully intend to wipe it off the map and teach all future generations that the Old South was an evil place that stood only for slavery.
They don’t want it known that America was founded in the South, at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607, or that the South provided America’s most beloved leaders and Founding Fathers whose descendants all fought and bled for our country like the great patriots they are.
This mindless political hate must be beaten one way or another. Southern history is the best part of American history.
I know most people on this list know all this, but here’s a select summary for those who don’t.
From Virginia alone, Thomas Jefferson, wrote the Declaration of Independence, James Madison is the Father of the Constitution, and George Washington commanded our victorious Revolutionary War armies and was our first president who was “First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.”
Robert E. Lee’s estate, Arlington House, owned by his wife, Mary Anna Custis Lee, great-granddaughter of Martha Washington, has been our nation’s most sacred burial ground — Arlington National Cemetery — for a century-and-a-half.
Southerners won all of America’s wars before the War Between the States.
The Revolutionary War was won in the South with patriot victories at Kings Mountain and Cowpens, South Carolina, culminating in the surrender of British Gen. Charles Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia in October, 1781.
Southerners won the War of 1812 at the Battle of New Orleans while treasonous New Englanders were slinking around in their Hartford Convention.
Southerners added much territory to our country with the Louisiana Purchase over which New Englanders again threatened to secede.
Southerners won the Mexican War with more Southern blood and treasure than from any other part of America, and we supported every other American war with much higher percentages of military recruits than our percentage of the population.
We wrote the book on American valor, decency and love of country with Southerners like Alvin York of Tennessee, the most highly decorated American soldier of World War I, and Audie Murphy of Texas, the most highly decorated American soldier of World War II.
Our country has benefited mightily from Southern patriotism and blood.
But Democrats like Elizabeth Warren, and stupid Republicans in Congress who go along with her, don’t care.
The War Between the States is the central event in American history. Over 750,000 Americans died, and over a million were wounded out of a national population of 31 million. We lost 400,000 in World War II out of a national population of 150 million.
None of that matters to the racist identity politics of most Democrats who, once again, have legislation out there to remove Confederate monuments that currently sit on some of the bloodiest battlefields in history.
James McPherson says in Drew Gilpin Faust’s book, This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War:
[T]he overall mortality rate for the South exceeded that of any country in World War I and that of all but the region between the Rhine and the Volga in World War II.
Suing public officials personally is the exact right thing to do. If we have the legal ability to do it, we’ll go after every one of them with relish.
Anybody who is successful suing a public official personally, please share that information so we can all learn and profit from it.
If there is a way to sue people who have removed monuments illegally in the PAST, we should look at that too and do it.
If there are legal experts who can advise us on how to do some of these things, please contact me and I will spread the word.
It would be an extreme pleasure to donate money toward suing public officials personally who vote to break the law and remove sacred monuments to Southern war dead.
When we have successes suing these characterless public officials, we should spread the word far, wide and relentlessly.
We should fight Elizabeth Warren’s provision in the NDAAIt is extremely regretable that STUPID REPUBLICANS voted with Elizabeth Warren to rename the U.S. Army bases in the South though most are a century old and helped us greatly to win World Wars I and II. There was no reason whatsoever to do this.
The abject stupidity and contemptuous behavior of Senate Armed Services Committee chairman, Jim Inhofe, unquestionably helped Democrats defeat the two Republican senators in the January 5th runoff in Georgia, thus taking the majority in the Senate away from the Republican Party.
Legendary Fort Benning, near Columbus, is a major century old fort in Georgia, Home of the United States Army Infantry. There is also Fort Gordon, near Augusta, that dates to 1941.
Inhofe’s idiotic support of Elizabeth Warren, against the wishes of President Trump, will change not only the names of Fort Benning, Fort Bragg and all the others, but it will change all the street and building names, change the names of weapons and military assets, remove every monument to a Southerner, and remove every vestige of the Confederacy despite oceans of Southern blood being spilled defending our great nation all over the planet.
Just like Stacey Abrams owns weak cowardly Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Elizabeth Warren owns Jim Inhofe and the dumb Republicans on the Senate Armed Services Committee where they will no longer have the majority.
Here are the prophetic words from my article December 17, 2020 entitled “BETRAYAL: Republicans in the Senate Guarantee U.S. Army Base Names in the South WILL Change”:
Republicans won’t win the Senate runoffs in Georgia in just over two weeks because STUPID Republicans have done NOTHING to correct the situation in Georgia that allowed Stacey Abrams and her ilk to steal the general election from President Trump in the first place.
Where is the GBI and FBI questioning the woman caught on camera scanning the same ballots over and over? She knows about the corruption and all the players involved.
Where is the GBI and FBI questioning of the person who lied and said a water main break is why they quit counting ballots the wee hours of November 4th? That person is the tip of a line that goes into an ocean of Georgia corruption.
The Georgia governor is a Republican (supposedly) and the Georgia legislature is overwhelmingly Republican. How about assert yourselves and take command and rectify the horrible deal made with Stacey Abrams that promoted widespread election fraud in Georgia and disenfranchised millions of legitimate Georgia voters.
If you don’t, mark my words, Republican Senators Loeffler and Perdue have no chance of winning in two-and-a-half weeks.
The utter incompetence of Inhofe, Kemp, Raffensperger and their disgusting ilk has now caused Republican defeat and removed all Republican influence in the United States government. It has negated the votes of 75 million Trump supporters.
The national Republican Party, unless President Trump can perform a miracle, is over.
By the time corrupt Democrats get through with us, we will be a one-party country like California and New York are one-party states.
As I said, local and state Republicans are strong and doing good (with the exception of Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger in Georgia whose careers as Republicans are over, and good riddance. With friends like that, who needs enemies!).
We should be looking for ways to defeat Section 377 of the NDAA, Elilzabeth Warren’s sick provision.
We should look into the original agreements between the Southern states and the Federal Government when the bases were constructed.
We should get public support from veterans organizations.
We should look at state and local laws, and technicalities that can prevent the slaughter of Southern history at U.S. Army bases in the South.
Perhaps the revulsion at potentially having to rename Arlington National Cemetery and/or parts of it will cause this horrible provision to be rethought.
Of course, those Southern bases were part of our country’s reconciliation after our bloodiest war. We came back together like the great nation we used to be. Naming those bases after Confederates was a gesture of respect by Northerners who had fought against us. It showed appreciation that we were now all one nation again.
All of that is lost on a characterless individual like Elizabeth Warren who gamed the affirmative action system for years pretending to be an Indian when she is as white as Frosty the Snowman (though much less intelligent and certainly with less personality).
She is, however, more intelligent that Jim Inhofe.
She got Inhofe to severely damage the two Republican Senate candidates, Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, in the runoff January 5th, and they lost to Elizabeth Warren’s Democrats, who now have the majority in the U.S. Senate.
Republican traitor Brad Raffensperger’s releasing to the Washington Post his phone call with President Trump, which was spread all over the fake news media the day before the election, also damaged the Republican candidates; but then, Raffensperger’s sell-out settlement with Stacey Abrams allowed widespread Democrat Party cheating and fraud in Georgia in the first place.
Jim Inhofe is a dope and so is Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger. We deserve better.
Here’s the Georgia Division, SCV’s, excellent press release of December 22, 2020:
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