Professor Edward C. Smith, 10 minute clip.
You will RAVE about this talk!

On DVD labels are actual black Confederates as seen by a Yankee officer through his field-glass. The drawing was published in Harper's Weekly, January 10, 1863 with title "Rebel Negro Pickets as Seen Through a Field Glass."

Professor Edward C. Smith is one of the foremost authorities in America on black Confederates.
He is a professor of Anthropology at American University where he has taught since 1969, and the founder and co-director of the American University Civil War Institute.
He is also a Civil War, African-American Cultural Heritage, Art History Lecturer and Study Tour Leader for The Smithsonian Institution, The National Geographic Society, The National Park Service and The Historical Society of Washington, D.C.
In this two-DVD set entitled Mixed Up with All the Rebel Horde, Why Black Southerners Fought for the South in the War Between the States, Professor Smith speaks for over 70 minutes to an enthusiastic crowd of the Sons of Confederate Veterans at their national convention August 12, 1993 in Lexington, Kentucky.
Not only is he fascinating and articulate, he is witty and broke the crowd up continuously with laughter and applause. He received a THUNDEROUS standing ovation at the end.
Cataloged in Books in Print:
ISBN: 0-9818980-9-2
ISBN 13: 978-0-9818980-9-4
To Purchase
A single set consists of both DVDs, Vols. 1 and 2, and is $24.95 plus shipping.
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Normal price for the book is $21.95 and the DVD set $24.95 which totals to $46.90. Buy both on this Special and pay only $36.90 plus shipping.