Dear Tucker Carlson Tonight, . . .
Scroll down for a link to Tucker Carlson's prime time interview with Christopher Bedford on the Confederate Reconciliation Memorial in Arlington National Cemetery
TUCKER BEGINS WITH: So, if you want to control a country, obviously you have to erase its history so no one has any idea what went before, and then the future is yours, and that's why they tear down monuments to our past . . .

[Publisher's Note, by Gene Kizer, Jr. - Below is correspondence I sent to Fox News's Tucker Carlson Tonight about Tucker's outstanding February 28th interview with Christopher Bedford, who has a current article in The New Criterion, on the Confederate Memorial in Arlington National Cemetery.
That magnificent 109 year old monument, surrounded by over 500 Confederate graves in concentric circles, supported by four presidents and veterans North and South, is slated for demolition by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and other heinous destroyers of history and art.
Those kinds of actions by the Woke in our government are degrading not only our country but also our military.
They are the main reason for the current recruiting crisis, which is significantly worse this year than last. Military recruiting is on a downward trend because people are FED UP with the Woke military that just approved putting men in women's showers along with the constant badgering on racial issues that do not exist except in the sick Woke mind.
Would you allow your daughter to join the military and be forced to shower and bunk with "men" who obviously have issues? See "Biden Pentagon Orders Military Chaplains To Bless Putting Male Soldiers In Female Showers And Bedrooms" by Elaine Donnelly, February 24, 2023.1 (a link to the article is in the note, below)
Would you want your sons to serve with people who got in because the standards were lowered in order to deal with a worsening, self-inflicted recruiting crisis?
This disgraceful Wokeness is tearing at the fabric of our country.
So many veterans today who proudly served would discourage their own children from joining a military that, like the federal government, is committed to racist Woke ideology and iconoclasm, and not merit.
Our military and all of our warriors deserve a LOT better than this Woke garbage. Our country and especially military had better get back FAST to being the greatest colorblind meritocracy in history as we were in the not too distant past, before the rise of racist Woke mediocrity.
Scroll down for a link to a Defend Arlington update that includes Tucker Carlson's segment on the Confederate Memorial with Chris Bedford, on YouTube.
Please donate all you can to help in our lawsuit to save the Confederate Memorial because we can and WILL win this fight with your help!
To destroy that symbolic monument and leave a mangled shaft sticking up surrounded by hundreds of graves that represent the reconciliation of our country after a war in which 750,000 died and over a million were maimed, would put a black stain on Arlington National Cemetery and its administrators, the United States Army and United States Department of Defense, for all time.
We can not allow that.
This is the hill to die on.]
March 2, 2023
Dear Tucker Carlson Tonight,
I sent the following via your website but wanted to send to your email address too.
Love your show!
The segment with Christopher Bedford on 2-28-23 on the planned demolition of the 109 year old Confederate Reconciliation Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery was good but WAY incomplete.
A lawsuit was filed two weeks ago by Washington, DC attorney Karen Bennett on behalf of an organization - Defend Arlington - that has sprung up to STOP the demolition of that historic monument. Defendants are DOD, the U.S. Army, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and others.
I published the entire lawsuit on my blog here:
Defend Arlington solicited scholarly white papers on the Confederate Memorial and recently published a 385 page book that includes them all and other information to help our attorneys. Here is a link:
A printed copy is available. If you would be so kind as to give me an address, we will send you a copy and other information on our legal efforts.
It is CLEAR that the DOD and others have violated NUMEROUS LAWS in their attempt to destroy the Confederate Memorial, and it is outrageous.
As Tucker knew when he got Chris Bedford to do a segment, this is a huge issue. The Confederate Monument is a world class work of art by Jewish artist Moses Ezekiel who was also a Confederate soldier and is buried around the base with two other Confederate soldiers and a Confederate sailor. The monument is surrounded by over 500 graves of Confederate soldiers and family arranged in concentric circles. ANC stated many times that the monument is an important part of their registration to be on the National Register of Historic Places.
The monument itself was the idea of Union veteran William McKinley when he was president. President Woodrow Wilson gave the dedication speech June 4, 1914. Before that, President William Howard Taft spoke at the ceremony the evening of the laying of the cornerstone.
It would be an abomination for that monument signifying the reconciliation of our country after a war in which 750,000 died and over a million were maimed, to be destroyed by Woke leftists.
Thank you very much.
Gene Kizer, Jr.
Charleston Athenaeum Press
Links to Important Resources
Defend Arlington update with link to February 28, 2023 Tucker Carlson interview with Christopher Bedford on the Confederate Reconciliation Memorial in Arlington National Cemetery.
Defend Arlington update, Tucker Carlson segment on YouTube
Hot off the press! Here is a link to the new 385 page PDF from Defend Arlington that flips pages as you read. It contains all the great scholarly white papers gathered up by Defend Arlington to make sure that Woke ignorance DIES at Arlington National Cemetery.
Defend Arlington's 385 Page Book of White Papers
Here is a link to Defend Arlington's donation page that states:
Please Donate Money -- THANK YOU!
Here is a link to an informative nine minute video, "The Arlington Confederate Monument," produced by the Abbeville Institute.
The Arlington Confederate Monument
Here is a link to the outstanding scholarly PDF white papers written for Defend Arlington. You can download them all with one click. Please share them far and wide, especially the letter from Defend Arlington's attorney, Karen C. Bennett, to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.
PDF White Papers from Defend Arlington
Here is link to an excellent video refuting point by point a historically false Prager University video by Ty Seidule, who is on the naming commission. This one is produced by Bode Lang and entitled "The Civil War Was Not for Slavery."
Click Here for Bode Lang's excellent video
Here is a link to an excellent video of a Georgia lady calling out Elizabeth Warren and her Massachusetts hypocrisy.
Click Here for Georgia Lady Teaching Elizabeth Warren a Lesson
Here are important Southern Legal Resource Center links. SLRC mailing address is: Southern Legal Resource Center, 90 Church St., Black Mountain, NC 28711-3365.
Click Here to donate to the Southern Legal Resource Center
Click Here to follow on Facebook
Click Here to go to their website
Take action TODAY!
1 Elaine Donnelly, "Biden Pentagon Orders Military Chaplains To Bless Putting Male Soldiers In Female Showers And Bedrooms," February 24, 2023,, accessed 2-24-23.